Lady Eleanor Van Tyne’s open studio day and potluck has been cancelled.
Standard Bearers is coming on April 13th. People with experience in preparing food for a crowd are desired to create a simple lunch, and an evening feast. Please contact Tarmach, the event steward, to discuss numbers and site limitations.
Lady Leonne is updating the Cleftlands contacts booklet. Contact her to update or add your information.
There will be a Fall Coronation staff meeting on Wed., Jan. 17 after the baronial business meeting. Anyone on staff, or who is interested in the event, can attend.
Jan. 31: Mid-Winter Solemnities. There will be a baronial court and feast. Bring a dessert to share. A baronial “census” will be held, and baronial officers will be recognized. Please make recommendations for baronial awards. The youth puppet show will be presented (see Lady Chaiya for details.) See our baron and baroness Pietro and Aurelia for details on this revel.
Noblesse Largesse: This is the barony’s “Secret Santa” which gives you the opportunity to make something cool for a fellow Baronial member. Participants will be asked to fill out a survey to help their artisan create something unique for them. The deadline for signing up has passed. The Largesse exchange will occur on Jan. 31 (changed from Dec. 20). Contact Mistress Thorhalla for details.
See a full list of 2024 revels below.
April 13: Standard Bearers at Sts. Robert and William Church in Euclid. This event may be combined with the Northern Oaken Regional A&S Fair. Event stewards are Lord Tarmach, Lady Ginevera and Sir Crispin.
May 18: Fletchings of Spring. The baronial archery championship will be held at this event (not Standard Bearers). Event steward is Lord Tarmach.
Sept. 28: Midrealm Fall Coronation. THL Jolicia, Lady Jaquelinne and Lady Lupa are event stewards.
Exchequer: Annual tithing is $100 per person for the year, or $2 per meeting. See our exchequer Robert for details.
Armored combat marshal: Mistress Constanza is stepping down in March. There is an application on the baronial website, and talk to her to learn more.
Chronicler: THL Jolicia is stepping down in March. There is an application on the baronial website, and talk to her to learn more.
MOAS: Lady Claricia’s class on promoting events has been moved to Feb. 7.
See the baronial calendar ( or the baronial Facebook page for details on upcoming classes. See MOAS Mistress Elizabeth if you want to teach or request a class.
CANCELLED Open Studio: Lady Eleanor Van Tyne will host an open studio day and potluck at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 14, at Earth and Loom Studios, 885 W. Liberty St., Medina. The venue is not child-friendly. See Lady Eleanor for details.
Needleworkers Guild: Meetings are held at Critical Hit gaming store in Cleveland Heights on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6:30. See Lady Miriana to learn more.
Armorers Guild: Meetings have resumed and are held on most Thursdays. The host requires thatarticipants be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. See Baron Calum for details.
Garb-a-Thons: Check the baronial Google calendar for details. See Mistress Thorhalla, Lady Ginevera and Lady Chaiya for details.
Jan. 13: Twelfth Night in the Middle Marches (Delaware)
Jan. 27: Winter Wassail (near Youngstown)
Feb. 24: Masque of Courtly Love (Akron)
See a full list of upcoming Midrealm events here:
Feb.: A&S Display
March: Martial Madness
April: Armored Tourney
May: Swap meet and cookout?
June: Archery Tourney
July: TBD
Aug.: Summer Solemnities
Sept.: TBD
Oct.: Halloween/Masque Revel
Nov.: Fencing Tourney
Dec.: Yule Revel
Exchequer: Members are asked to donate $2 per meeting, or $100 per year, to cover the cost of the meeting hall rental.
Quartermaster: The quartermaster must be notified at least two weeks in advance if a member wishes to borrow baronial gear.
Baronial meetings: Set-up starts at 6:30 p.m. and activities start at 7 p.m. A brief business meeting is held at 8:15 p.m.
For updates, corrections or additions, contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at or on Facebook (Julie Washington).