- Pennsic Break: There are no baronial meetings July 26- Aug. 16. Meetings resume Aug. 23.
- Baronial Schedule:
- Baronial Battlefield Tent Raising: Tue., 2-Aug. at 11 a.m.
- Opening Ceremonies: Sat., 5-Aug., muster at 4 p.m. at Midrealm Royal. All are invited to participate, none are required.
- Rapier Company of the Cleftlands: Mon., 7-Aug., gather at 12:30 for a 1 p.m. march out to the Rapier Crossroads battle.
- Archery Company of the Cleftlands: Tue., 8-Aug., gather at 9:30 a.m. for a 10 a.m. march to the Archery range.
- Armored Company of the Cleftlands, including Combat Archers and Siege Engineers: Fri., 11-Aug. Gather at 8:30 a.m. for a 9 a.m. march out to the Armored Field Battle.
- Baronial Battlefield Tent Dismissal: Fri, 11-Aug. after the River Seine battle (approximately 1 p.m.)
- Any Cleftlander can march in a muster. All musters start at the Camp of the Three Bears.
- A&S opportunities: Sign up for the A&S Display and/or the Craftspersons Green at Pennsic. See Mistress Elizabethe for details.
- Storytelling project: This project will make audio recordings of good gentles telling their best Pennsic stories; the tales will be compiled into a book. See Lady Leonne for details.
- History of Pennsic Display: The display will be on view Monday, August 7, and Tuesday, August 8. in the Great Hall.
- Class notes: Bring back class notes to share with others at the first dessert revel after Pennsic.
- Keep Home Fires Burning Hang-outs: These will be held each Wednesday when there is no Cleftlands meeting, 6-8:30 p.m. at the Richmond Heights Library. Light snacks will be provided; bring a craft. Check the baronial Facebook page for details, or see Mistress Thorhalla and Lady Chaiya.
- See our seneschal Mistress Angharad for details on all Pennsic matters.
- Baronial Schedule:
- Aug. 30: Baronial archery tournament will be held at the meeting site, weather permitting.
- Minister of Arts and Sciences:
- See the baronial calendar (, baronial Facebook page or our MOAS Mistress Elizabethe for details on these activities.
- Classes resume after Pennsic.
- Sunday, Oct. 1 at noon, baronial field trip to see the Cleveland Museum of Art “Love Gardens/Forbidden Fruit” exhibit. It features 60 works on paper spanning 1460 to 1600, and assembled entirely from the CMA’s collection.
- Needleworkers Guild: Meeting 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 25 at Critical Hits gaming store in Cleveland Heights. Members will work on ceremonial garb for Their Highnesses. See Lady Miriana for details.
- Makers Guild: Event stewards who want the guild to make site tokens should put in their request early. The guild is looking for ideas for the Cleftlands holiday ornament. See Lord Rayner (formerly Lord Macro) for details.
- Armorers Guild: Meetings resume after Pennsic. The host requires that participants be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. See Baron Calum for details.
- July 28-Aug. 13: Pennsic
- Aug. 26: Brendokenfest and Baronial Investiture, in Medina. The contact for Brendokenfest classes is Lady Katherine Coscombe (mka Katherine Garlick).
- Sept. 23: Fall Coronation, Greenfield, OH (between Columbus and Cincinnati)
See a full list of upcoming Midrealm events here:
- Exchequer: Members are asked to donate $2 per meeting, or $100 per year, to cover the cost of the meeting hall rental.
- Quartermaster: The quartermaster must be notified at least two weeks in advance if a member wishes to borrow baronial gear.
- Baronial meetings: Set-up starts at 6:30 p.m. and activities start at 7 p.m. A brief business meeting is held about 9 p.m.
For updates, corrections or additions, contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at or on Facebook (Julie Washington).