There is now an event portal that links to pre-registration sites for all spring Cleftlands events. You can find the portal on the Cleftlands website.
April 15: Standard Bearers. Held at the meeting site. Pre-registration fees will be taken at the next baronial meeting. Pre-registration forms for competing in armored combat, rapier, archery and A&S can be found via the event portal. The theme for the A&S competition is “Something you would take to war.” You can compete even if you don’t want to be a champion, and can take part in multiple events. Lord Rojhon is in charge of the all-indigenous foods feast; help is needed to cook and serve. See Lord Tarmach for event details.
Our Iron Key officer, Lord Tryggr, has proposed that the barony buy two sets of armor that will be loaned to newcomers (armor will not leave the meeting site). The barony will be asked to vote on the expense in the coming weeks. Possible fundraisers at Crown Tournament and NOWM are being discussed to help defray expenses. See Lord Tryggr for details.
Our new youth officer is Lady Chaiya.
May 27-28: Crown Tournament and Kingdom A&S: Ashtabula Fairgrounds. Online registration is open. Hotel room blocks are available. There will be a 15th century Italian feast organized by Master Aiden. See Lady Katherin verch Rhys for details.
June 10: NOWM, in Wellington. Camping will be allowed Saturday night; campers must talk to the camp’s representative at troll to make arrangements. The SCA event ends at 6 p.m. See Lord Meinhard and the website for details.
Fencing marshal: Five new fencing helmets have been purchased by the barony and added to the fencing loaner gear. Loaner gear does not leave the meeting site.
A&S: Various garb-a-thon sewing sessions are happening. See details on the baronial Facebook page and website calendar.
Upcoming classes: lace making, drawing session, wire work for making Crown Tournament site tokens, linen bag ($25 fee; see Kenton of Cleftlands) See the baronial calendar, baronial Facebook page or our MOAS Mistress Elizabethe for details.
Period music concert: The early music ensemble Les Delices has concerts the weekend of April 21-23. A ticket discount code is available, or group tickets if enough people are interested. See our MOAS Mistress Elizabethe for details.
Chatelaine: Master Dmitrii is now deputy chatelaine for Lord Ezra.
Archery marshal: Our archery marshal Forester Cadfan would like to step down by June. See him for information about this position.
Gold Key: Still open. Applications are on the baronial website. See our seneschal Mistress Angharad for more information about these job openings.
Archery Guild: Archers will hold practice Sunday, April 8 at the home of Lady Gwyneth and Lord Muldonny in Richmond Heights from 2-4 p.m. Loaner gear will be available. See our archery marshal Forester Cadfan, Gwyneth or Muldonny for details.
Armorers Guild: This guild meets most Thursdays in Berea. The host requires that participants be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to attend. See Baron Calum for details.
April 16: The Marche of the Thistle (Medina) will hold an A&S Gathering at the Earth and Loom Studios. The shop includes a woodshop, and sewing and pottery areas. See Facebook for details.
April 20-23: Blackstone Raids, West Virginia.
April 22: Road to Pompeii, Uniontown, OH
See a full list of upcoming Midrealm events here:
Exchequer: Members are asked to donate $2 per meeting, or $100 per year, to cover the cost of the meeting hall rental.
Quartermaster: The quartermaster must be notified at least two weeks in advance if a member wishes to borrow baronial gear.
Baronial meetings: Set-up starts at 6:30 p.m. and activities start at 7 p.m. A brief business meeting is held about 9 p.m.
For updates, corrections or additions, contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at or on Facebook (Julie Washington).