Baron and Baroness, Crispin and Gianna
- Our new Baron and Baroness will be the Honorable Lord Pietro da San Tebaldo and Mistress Aurelia Rosetti. Thanks to all of the baronial candidates, and to outgoing Baron and Baroness Crispin and Gianna for their years of service.
- Baron and Baroness Crispin and Gianna held a baronial court. The following awards were given:
- Baron Stephan Von Lubeck, Award of the Argent Cresset
- Lady Claricia de la Mere, Order of Saint Clairiel
- Lord Gladius the Alchemist, Award of the Argent Cresset
- Dressed to Kill /Baronial Investiture will take place April 9 at Divinity Lutheran Church in Cleveland. The theme is 14th-century life. There is no attendance cap. Pre-registration ends Friday, April 8. The site fee includes a bag lunch. The class schedule is filled. Mistress Milesent is organizing a fashion show; contact her if you would like to participate.
- Fletchings, an all-archery event, will take place May 21 at Punderson State Park. Pre-registration is now open. The event will host a tournament of the Greenwood Company, and possibly a woods walk. See Lord Tarmach if there are questions.
- Pregistration is now open for NOWM.
- Submit awards recommendations through the kingdom service portal:
- Submit baronial awards recommendations by emailing Their Excellencies (, and, or filling out the form on the baronial website here:
Seneschal, Claricia
- Kingdom removed ALL Covid restrictions as of April 3. Their Excellencies have decided that Cleftlands shall follow suit for Baronial activities.
- We no longer require a proof of vaccination nor a negative test result to attend Baronial SCA activities. No attendance taken, no waivers, no restrictions of any kind.
- Groups and activities may determine additional restrictions, so you could still see rules in place at things like guild meetings, etc.
- Go to for updated information.
- Please contact Lady Claricia for additional information or with questions about Covid policy –
- Officer positions:
- Lord Hrafnkell Inn Rauði Eykelsson is the new social media coordinator. He steps into the role this week.
- Lord Reinhardt mit dem Bart is the next rapier marshal, and will take over from Lady Ragna as of May 1.
- THL Snowden is stepping down as Web Minister and handing the reins over to Baroness Gianna.
- We still have the role of Demo Coordinator coming open at the end of June. If you’re inspired to serve, consider applying!
- Baronial meetings will be held every other week in April. In May, we will return to weekly meetings, and. hope to hold them outdoors as soon as weather permits. The next meeting is April 20, starting at 7 p.m. Set-up starts at 6:30 p.m.
- Bids will be accepted for a fall Regular Event, or a winter 2023 event. If we want to have one in 2022, it would be good to have a bid in by May; that would give us 6 months to a November date.
- Updates on SCA and kingdom restrictions, and baronial updates, will be distributed via the Cleftlist email list and the baronial Facebook page.
- In an effort to keep business meetings short, and to reduce the number of announcements, gentles who have announcements are asked to send them prior to the meeting to Chronicler THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at
Guilds and Guild Adjacent Activities
Some guilds are hosting virtual online activities; please contact the person in charge for details or see the Cleftlands Facebook group for more information. Since there are no more COVID-19 restrictions, guilds can just meet normally. Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
When hosted at a private location, the owners may have additional requirements and restrictions for attendance. Please check with them for details.
As always, please use the new online A&S Activities Tracker on the Midrealm Services Portal to note what you’ve been up to.
- Armorers Guild: Contact Sir Calum via email.
- Archery Guild: If there is a warm weekend forecast this winter, archery practice will be held. Contact Lady Gwyneth on Facebook.
- Leatherworks Guild: On hiatus. Contact Master Oliver via email or on Facebook.
- Anti-Social Guild: On hiatus. Contact Baron Stephan Von Lübeck via email or on Facebook.
- Needleworkers Guild: Contact Lady Miriana via email.
- Dance Guild — Contact Baroness Angharad via email.
- Cooks Guild: Contact Baroness Angharad via email.
- Scribes Guild. Contact Master Milesent via email.
- Unofficial Potters’ Guild: Contact Mistress Aurelia via the Facebook group.
- Northern Oaken Recorder Ensemble: Contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe via email.
- Makers Guild is starting up again, using the Lorain County Community College Makers Lab. Contact Lord Rayner via email.
- Demo coordinator, Karl
- The E. 200th Street Stroll in Euclid is June 4.
- The Ohio Scottish Games will be June 23 at the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds.
- Pursuivant, Njall
- Enter your name and information on the services portal, and mark Cleftlands as your home group. Being on the services portal makes it easy to submit your friends for awards and find other SCAdians. See Njall for details (
- Rapier Marshall, Lupa
- Armored Combat Marshall, Constanza
- Archery Marshal, Cadfan
- Chronicler, Jolicia
- A&S Minister, Angharad
- The barony is collecting items of largess for the Cleftlands baron and baroness to gift to Their Highnesses. Items are being collected at meetings.
- THL Pietro will hold a workshop on making largess by pewter casting in stone in April. Details are on the baronial Facebook page and website.
- If you would like to teach a class, or have a topic you’d like to learn, let Angharad know (
- Exchequer, Robert
- Chatelaine, Jaquelinne
- Iron Key, Tryggr
- See Lord Tryggr Gillason ( if you have items to donate.
- Youth Minister, Rojhon
- Donations of craft supplies are needed. Yarn, beads, games, garb and more will be accepted.
- Lady Zofia will offer assistance to any who wish to become a warranted Youth Minister at Large.
Other Announcements
- Reminder! If you’re looking for information, news, and updates, past issues of the Internebbles newsletter are posted for your convenience. All in one place, and always available to answer your questions. Go here to see all posted issues:
- If anyone has ideas for articles for the newsletter, or a nomination for an interviewee for 5 Questions for a Cleftlander, please contact Claricia at
- Dressed to Kill/ Baronial Investiture, April 9, at Divinity Lutheran Church, Cleveland. Go to
- NOWM returns as a one-day event, June 11 in Wellington.
- See the Midrealm calendar for more upcoming events across the kingdom, including Spring Coronation and Road to Rouen.
For updates or additions, contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at or on Facebook.