Meeting Minutes: 07-Dec-57


  • Baroness Angharad ferch Tangwystl will be the next seneschal. She takes over Jan. 1.
  • There will be no meetings on Dec. 21 and Dec. 28 due to the holidays. Meetings resume Jan. 4.


Dec. 14: Yule Revel. Activities include dancing, caroling (music will be supplied to anyone wishing to sing some seasonal tunes), and a Hanukkah display. Bring site tokens to decorate a Yule tree and treats to share. Listen to background music by Musica Nebulae. There will be no combat activities.

“Cookie” Exchange: Like a cookie exchange, bring one or more entries, equivalent in effort and/or expense to a dozen cookies (around $5). For every entry you bring, you take one entry home. So, if you bring a dozen felt sewing kits, you could take home a dozen items from other people. Entries could include: A dozen cookies (because cookies are always good). A small fruitcake. A pair of beeswax candles. A stamped draw string bag. A linen napkin. Or anything else you can think of that people may appreciate. Items should arrive by 7 p.m. to be set up in the viewing area. We’ll start the selection of items to take home around 8:30.


  • Forester Muldonny McVrw, inspired by Forester Gwyneth Cole, won last week’s Cleftlands Rapier Tournament.
  • At last weekend’s Christmas Tournament, Sir Wyngfang took second place in the heavy tournament, and Lady Jaquelinne and Baron Pietro took the top two positions in the rapier tournament.


  • MOAS: The position is now open. The new deadline for applications is Dec. 12; the new officer will take over Jan. 1.
  • YOUTH OFFICER: The current youth officer, Lord Rohan, will step down Jan. 1. The position will remain open until filled.


(Emails for all officers are listed on the officers’ page of the baronial website.)

  • Minster of Arts and Sciences: The deadline for signing up for the Tournament of the Arts, held at Pentamere 12th Night, is Jan. 7.
  • There will be no drawing circle in December; it will return in January. Check the baronial calendar on the website for details on upcoming classes.


  • Armorers Guild: This guild meets most Thursdays in Berea. There will be no guild meetings until the first Thursday in January. The host requires that participants be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to attend. See Baron Calum for details.


  • Dec. 10: Yule Feast, Toledo
  • Jan. 7: Twelfth Night in the Middle Marches, Delaware
  • Jan. 21: Masque of Courtly Love, Canton

See a full list of upcoming Midrealm events here:


  • Seneschal: The SCARS system for electronic payment for events will be discontinued. A new electronic payment system will take over in 2023; the exact system has not been decided on. If you have paid for an event using SCARS, that information will be given to event staff.
  • Exchequer: Members are asked to donate $2 per meeting, or $50 per year, to cover the cost of the meeting hall rental.
  • Quartermaster: The quartermaster must be notified at least two weeks in advance if a member wishes to borrow baronial gear.
  • Baronial meetings: Set-up starts at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m. We must vacate the building before 10 p.m.

For updates, corrections or additions, contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at or on Facebook.