23-Aug, Sun, 7 pm: Waivers Waivers Waivers Everywhere: https://zoom.us/j/92466927339?pwd=bytpUWllUEdRMW5iSDRKdnM2UjZZZz0
24-Aug, Mon, 7 pm: How to Open a Can of Worms: Research Project in the SCA: https://zoom.us/j/91358994163?pwd=bEt2enQ2enBMbVVHVldyQ2lxQzVQdz09
25-Aug, Tue, 7 pm: How to Make Pants: Thorsbjerg Trousers and Hedeby Pants: https://zoom.us/j/95880683480?pwd=S3FsYy9jZGRsMzhNYnJ1U3l3K24vdz09
26-Aug, Wed, 7 pm: (SEE NOTE BELOW) Virtual Pasternoster Craft Along: https://zoom.us/j/94061144426?pwd=WkxUdktTbjR4aE0vVC9YYUVDQVR6dz09
NOTE: Please contact Mistress Elizabethe (Ashley Smith) well in advance to obtain the crafting kit. RUM is not responsible for payment options or the kit: that is between you and Mistress Elizabethe.
Supply list: (cost for kit is $5 for supplies and $4 for shipping. Multiple kits can be shipped in the same package.)
50 – 8 mm round glass beads
5 metal or glass beads of a different shape and/or texture, similar in size to above
2 yds of silk thread (kits use Purely Silk sizes D-FF)
1 bottom-clamp clamshell bead tip with hook (like pictured in tutorial here: https://artbeads.com/design-studio/how-to-use-a-bead-tip/)
1 twisted wire beading needle, light-medium
1 cross or saints medallion