April (Virtual) Cooks Challenge:
In honor of what will CLEARLY be the last snow of the season, this month’s signature ingredient is that ever-popular medieval spring favorite: greens!
Please make a dish, medieval or not, that features some type of greens: herbs, spinach, kale, horseradish sprouts, whatever. Don’t feel the need to limit yourself to actual fresh greens: if what you have available is frozen spinach, feel free.
To participate, by April’s Revel (from Home) on April 29th, please create your dish. When ready, share pictures and info about the dish on the Baronial FB page at https://www.facebook.com/events/2723510884572217/. If you don’t have an FB account: email it to me and I’ll add it for you.
Your info should include: what did you cook, why did you choose it, what ingredients did you use, how did you cook it, and, since we can’t all taste the dishes, what did you (or anyone in your household) think of it. Would you do it again? Would you change anything?