2018 Baronial Champions
It is both a pleasure and privilege to invite one and all who read these words to join the Barony of the Cleftlands at our fall Standard Bearers Baronial Championships to be held on October 5, 2019 at St John of the Cross School, 140 Richmond Road, Cleveland OH 44143 from 10:00 AM until 9:00 PM.
We welcome all archers, artisans, combatants, and challengers to join in the festivities of this august day. If you wish to compete for the championships, we ask that you make your intentions known by way of a signup sheet at the respective lists or tables. For those interested in displaying an art or science, know that all are welcome to display and documentation is not required. If you are submitting an entry to compete, we ask that your submission be something created within the last year and that it not have been previously submitted in another challenge.
Over the course of the day, contenders for all championships will be summoned individually to answer (or ask) a few questions so that we may understand your ideas about the position you seek.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Crispin and Gianna
Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands