Baron and Baroness
- 30-Jan will be the R&R Revel as we all recover from Regular Event.
- Six Cleftlanders newly authorized in Rapier at Regular Event: Dafydd, Cadfan, Ginger, Jacob, Jordan, and Corlius
- Joscelin authorized as an Armored combatant
- Dafydd and Cadfan became archery marshals by passing the test
- Joscelin and Carl (again) received Awards of Arms
- Maaicke, Jacqueline, Miriana, and Thorin received Awards of the Purple Fret
- Silverthorne and Muldonney received the Award of the Cavendish Knot.
- Zuriel stepped up as the Kingdom A&S Champion
19-Jan, Regular Event in Cleftlands
- Many thank yous were given to all those who assisted in making the event enjoyable.
- Please get receipts to Robert, as exchequer, by Wed, 31-Jan, to receive refunds.
- The attendance, thanks to the weather, was about half of what was expected, so we will dip into savings to fund the event. The balance will be known after all receipts, and requests for refunds, have been processed.
- Sat, 6-Apr from 12-3: Westlake Library. A demo for all activities, including artisans and combatants. This demo is still being organized, so the date or time might change.
- A&S Minister, Runa:
- Next week is a class on Tapestry Weaving taught by Ysenda
- Classes! Please tell Runa if you’d like to teach, or provide suggestions about what you’d like to learn.
Other News
- Orsina is hosting a Bardic Open house, for performers and listeners alike, 2-5 this Sat, 12-Jan at her home.
- Gwyntarian archers will be hosting a indoor archery practice this Saturday. Please check their webpage for details.
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Armorer’s Guild will meet at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday. Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
- Orsina is hosting a Bardic tea at her place on Saturday starting at 2 pm. Please contact her for more information.
- Archery Guild has moved to Sundays, is on hiatus cancelled due to the onset of Winter! For future dates, please check the Baronial Facebook page for details, or contact Gwyneth.
- Leatherwork’s Guild meets Tuesdays at Oliver’s at 7 pm. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
- Needleworkers Guild meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. 29-Jan they meet at Miriana’s home in Lyndhurst, and 12-Feb at Madelaine’s home near Kamm’s Corner. Contact Madelaine at for detail for details and directions.
- Scribes Guild meets first Mondays, next on 4-Feb, at 7 pm at Brackenburye Cottage, Please contact Melisent at with any questions.