Baron and Baroness, Crispin and Gianna
Took a moment to say how proud they are of Cleftlanders contributions to Pennsic, including: .
For the Belted champions team: Sir Kjartan Eikbrandsson, Sir Thorin Eikskjald, Sir Wigthegn the Younger, Count Nikolai Grigorevich Petrov, and Duke Valharic Caligula Aurelius.
For the Unbelted champions team: Captain Sirius, Forester Muldonny McVriw, Lord Sviatoslav Arturovich, and Lord Carl of Cleftlands.
For the Archery Champions Team and alternates: Forester Gwyneth Cole, Forester Muldonny McVriw; Cadfan of Cleftlands, Dafydd Myddleton, and Gladius the Alchemist.
Representing the Midrealm as the Arts & Sciences: (General) Duke Eikbrandr Solgyafi and his team of artisans including Duke Alen, Master Milescent Vibbert, and as an alternate for the team Baron Edward Brackenburye.
On Monday in a Battlefield court following the field battles, the following combatants received an Award of the Dragon’s Tooth for being in the vanguard that overcame the King of the East: Sir Wigthegn, Dafydd Myddleton, Sviatoslav Arturovich.
The Cleftlands Rapier as a unit received a token of thanks from the command staff for fighting with the East to balance the numbers and fighting during the woods battle.
And not to overlook some of the truest heroes on the field, a very dear thank you to the Cleftlands Hospitality Corps led by Baroness Angharad ferch Tangwystl.
Finally, on Thursday at Midrealm court our own Sorcha Fraser was placed on vigil for the Order of the Pelican.
Seneschal, Cadfan
- A Standard Bearer’s bid was accepted tonight.
- The Mapleside Demo is cancelled for this year, due to a lack of responsiveness by the new Mapleside team.
- The deadline for applications to serve as our Knight’s Marshal is next Wednesday. Please apply soon.
- Our Social Media Officer position was not organized in accordance with kingdom expectations, so we are re-opening the position. Please apply by next Wednesday.
- Apply for the officer positions online at:
- Runa, A&S Minister
- Next week, bring your Pennsic class handouts to share with , so we can share next week.
- Edward fitzRanulf is teaching classes on Mustard on 11-Sep, and on Sauces on the 19-Sep.
- If you are interested in serving as Cleftlands MoAS, please talk with Runa, who is stepping down in November.
- Thank you for entering A&S on portal – we’re kicking Brendoken’s backside in numbers. .
- Our August Dessert Revel is next week.
- Bring your Pennsic class handouts to share with others.
- Cleftlands will be hosting Pennsic Boasts: a challenge to commit to a goal to complete before next Pennsic, including quarterly check-ins and support to help motivate you to get your Pennsic project started timely.
- September Dessert Revel: Our Open House/Arts Faire
- Bardic Madness, 2-Nov, will be in Rocky River.
- Standard Bearer’s: 5-Oct will be held at meeting site.
- November Dessert Revel: Armored Tourney
- December Dessert Revel: Yule Celebration.
- Regular Event: accepting bids
Other Announcements:
- .Dulcia is hosting sewing sessions on the garb for Sorcha’s elevation. sewing sessions on Sun 25-Aug, and Sat 31-Aug. Check our FaceBook page for details.
Guilds and Guild Adjacent Activities
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. Please use the new online A&S Activities Tracker on the Midrealm Services Portal to note what you’ve been up to.
- Armorer’s Guild does not meet 22-Aug at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home. Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
- Lubeck hosts his Anti-Social (Brewing) club 7-10 most Tuesdays. If you’re interested, please contact him as Steve Kerg on Facebook to confirm the meeting.
- Archery Guild meets, depending on weather, on Mondays 5:30 pm, at Gwyneth’s home. This week w’ll be doing a Pennsic review. Please check the Baronial Facebook page for details or contact Gwyneth.
- Leatherworks Guild meets Tuesdays at Oliver’s at 7 pm. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
- Needleworkers Guild normally meets 2 and 4th Tuesdays. Directions will be posted online, or contact Madelaine at for detail for details and directions.
- Woodworker’s Guild may restart – depending on interest. Please contact Meinhard at to express interest or ask questions.
- Scribes Guild meets first Mondays at 7 pm at Brackenburye Cottage. Please contact Melisent at with any questions.
- Bardic stuff next saturday at Orsina’s 2 to whenever.
- Cook’s Guild meets first Wednesdays at meeting. Contact Angharad at if you have questions.