Meeting Minutes: 12-Jun-54

Baron and Baroness, Crispin and Gianna

  • A change in the battlefield set up at meeting: We were making more noise than the bocce teams were comfortable with so the armored combat has moved out to the baseball diamond.
  • There was a ‘test’ archery range was set up on the field as well. Since it worked well, we’ll probably have target archery at meetings when weather permits. Please check the FB page.
  • It’s the time to submit award recommendations for Pennsic. You can submit them electronically on the Midrealm service portal.
  • June Dessert Revel, 26-Jun, Crispin will be bringing a grill and hot-dogs for a Baronial cookout. Please bring side dishes and beverages to share.

Seneschal: Cadfan

  • Officer’s meeting next week. Details will be emailed.


  • NOWM receipts have all been turned in. If you have not turned them in, thank you for your donation.
  • June Dessert Revel, 26-Jun: Baronial Cookout Please bring side dishes to share.
  • Pennsic (28-Jul to 11-Aug): Pre-registration closes one week from today.
  • Bardic Madness, 2-Nov, will be in Rocky River.


  • A&S Minister, Runa:
    • On 27-Jun, Madelaine will present a class on Pennsic Food Preparation and Preserving, and will provide samples.
    • No class scheduled for next week, so the classroom will be open for crafting activities.
    • There’s a ‘challenge’ between Brendoken and Cleftlands about whom has the most entries on the A&S portal this quarter. Please make sure you record your A&S activities: armor repair, research, all of it. Please use the new online A&S Activities Tracker on the Midrealm Services Portal (

Other New

  • Baron Durr is having open heart surgery Monday morning. Contact Katerin if you’d like to send a note or message.
  • Alienor is suggesting a Writers Circle for anyone interested in writing stories or poetry, period or not. If anyone is interested please contact her on FB, or look for her post on the Baronial page.

Guilds and Guild Adjacent Activities

Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.  Please use the new online A&S Activities Tracker on the Midrealm Services Portal (

  • Armorer’s Guild meets at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday. Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
  • Lubeck usually hosts his Anti-Social (Brewing) club on Thursday. They are currently working on beer and taxidermy. If you’re interested, please contact him as Steve Kerg on Facebook to confirm the meeting.
  • Archery Guild meets, depending on weather, on Mondays 5:30 pm, at Gwyneth’s home, depending on weather.  Please check the Baronial Facebook page for details or contact Gwyneth.
  • Leatherworks Guild meets Tuesdays at Oliver’s at 7 pm. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
  • Needleworkers Guild normally meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays: but will meet only once in June and July. They will meet next on 9-Jul: the last meeting before Pennsic, at Madelaine’s home on the near west-side. Directions will be posted online, or contact Madelaine at for detail for details and directions.
  • Scribes Guild meets first Mondays, next on 1-Jul, at 7 pm at Brackenburye Cottage. Please contact Melisent at with any questions.
  • Cook’s Guild meets first Wednesdays at meeting. On 7-Jul, we’ll be having a ‘Cooking over Fire’ practice on Sun 7-Jul, around 1 pm, at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home on the westside. Check the event on the FB group: Cleftlands Cooks. Contact Angharad at if you have questions.