Back: Dafydd, Stephen, Jaquelinne, and Americk. Front: Baroness Gianna and Baron Crispin. Photograph by Tarmach ben Yehuda al-Khazari.
It was both an honor and privilege to host the twenty-eight annual Standard Bearers Baronial Championship on October 5, 2019 in the northernmost reaches of Euclid in our beloved Cleftlands. We offer thanks to all who attended and to those who participated in the many challenges and activities throughout the day.
Special thanks to those staff members mentioned including, but not limited to: Cadfan of Cleftlands (Steward), Carl of Cleftlands (Gate), Branwen filia Paynell (Breakfast), Claricia de la Mere (Lunch), Angharad Ferch Tangwystl (Feast), Edward Brackenburye (Archery MIC), Thorin Eikskjald (Armored MIC), Brangwayn Snowden (Rapier MIC), and all others who assisted throughout the day or shadowed to learn a new event skill.
Without further ado, we present to you our baronial champions:
- Armored Champion – Americk Gilead
- Archery Champion – Dafydd Myddleton
- Arts & Sciences Champion – Stephan Von Lübeck
- Rapier Champion – Jaquelinne la Deiciere
In the Baronial court, the following awards were granted:
- Award of the Argent Cresset – Jaquelinne la Deiciere
- Award of the Azure Trident – Jocelin D’Eyncourt
- Award of the Azure Chalice – Karl Ulfson
- Award of Saint Alfred – Wrin the Red
Once again, thank you to all who participated to make this an amazing Standard Bearers!
In service,
Crispin and Gianna
Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands