Know that it was both an honor and privilege to host the twenty-seventh annual Standard Bearers Baronial Championship on September 22, 2018 in the northernmost reaches of Euclid in our beloved Cleftlands. We offer thanks to all who attended and to those who participated in the many challenges and activities throughout the day.
Special thanks to those staff members mentioned including, but not limited to: Edward Brackenburye (Steward/Archery MIC), Cadfan of Cleftlands (Steward), Lassarina O’Malley (Gate), Thorin Eikskjald (Armored MIC), Jao Veludo Alfonso d’Albuquerque (Rapier MIC), Robin of Cleftlands (Breakfast), Ysenda ingen Maldouen (Lunch), Claricia de la Mere (Feast), and all others who assisted throughout the day or shadowed to learn a new event skill.
Without further ado, we present to you our baronial champions:
- Armored Champion – Muldonny McVriw
- Archery Champion – Cadfan of Cleftlands
- Arts & Sciences Champion – Miriana of Cleftlands
- Rapier Champion – Ladislas (Vlad) Vulcu
In the Baronial court and later at the Open House, the following awards were granted:
- Award of the Azure Trident – Muldonny McVriw
- Award of Saint Alfred – Lassarina O’Malley
- Award of Saint Alfred – Dorothea Wever
- Award of the Azure Chalice – Madelaine Bouvier
Once again, thank you to all who participated to make this an amazing Standard Bearers!
In service,
Crispin and Gianna
Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands