- Meinhard on Standard Bearer’s event: Thanks to those whom helped with specific names for specific jobs. One source of help that was unexpected: Ysenda whom just kept doing more and more.
- Robert – Turn in receipts. He will not be present at the next meeting so you get an extra week. You can scan and email him the receipts.
Guilds and Other A&S Activities
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Archery Guild meets (now) on Sunday at the home of Gwyneth and Muldonney, starting around 11 AM until 2:00 PM. They have a great deal of loaner equipment, including Combat Archery arrows, so if you’re at all interested in either target or combat archery please come. With sufficient bribes, live Combat Archery targets may be provided. Contact Muldonney for details on effective bribes.
- Armorer’s Guild (and the less official Booze and Schmooze) meets at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm. Please contact Calum at calum@att.net for information or directions. The guild will NOT be meeting on September 14 or September 21.
- Unofficial Fencing Practice is on hiatus until after Labor Day. For info on when and where, please contact Cynwrig for details atjimpretz@sbcglobal.net. The Fencing Practice will be on hiatus between Pennsic and Memorial Day.
- Leatherwork’s Guild will meet at Oliver’s at 7 pm on Tuesday for an Open Bench. Please contact Oliver at adifferenttwist@gmail.com or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
- Scribes Guild will meet on 11-Sep at Brackenbury Cottage at 7 pm. Please contact Milesent at grace@case.edu for directions and further information.
- James Barkley will be hosting an open Bookbinding workshop on the second Monday of each month. Please contact him on Facebook as Chuck Minch for details.
Baron and Baroness
- Thank you to everyone who attended and assisted with the event. Of particular note, the event clean up was amazing!
- Thank you to the outgoing champions: Pietro (A&S), Gwyneth (Archery), Muldonny (Rapier), and Njall (Armored).
- Please welcome the newest baronial champions: Aurelia (A&S), Cadfan (Archery), Velvet (Rapier), and Urrich (Armored).
- Baronial Court
- Order of the Azure Chalice – Laurelen Darksbane
- Order of the Azure Chalice – Pietro Nicolo da San Tebaldo
- This brings the Order of the Azure Chalice to three members, including Baroness Angharad.
- Upcoming events: September 15th-17th, 27th is Open House and show off crafts. Facebook has schedule posted for other desert revels. They are looking for volunteers for coordinating and heading up the various revels and tournaments.
- SEP: Open House
- OCT: Masque & Dessert Revel
- NOV: Rapier Tourney & Dessert Revel
- DEC: Yule
- JAN: Dessert Revel
- FEB: A&S Faire & Dessert Revel
- MAR: Dessert Revel
- APR: Armored Tourney & Dessert Revel
- MAY: Dessert Revel & Melee Training (Weather Permitting)
- JUN: Dessert Revel & Melee Training (Weather Permitting)
- JUL: Pennsic Recess (No Meeting/Revel)
- AUG: Dessert Revel & Melee Training (Weather Permitting)
- Mapleside as a recruiting tool was shown by identifying those brought in by this demo. Then recognition was paid to those whom have helped in previous years. Cadfan pointed out that his telling moment was Robert de Cleftlands getting him to try on a chainmail shirt then being told that he could make his own.