Meeting Minutes: 23-Aug-52


  • Cadfan shared Jolicia’s story about a service provided by Tarmach to a Pennsic U instructor. However, he said Tarmach would probably insist he not share it, so you’ll have to ask him, or Jolicia, for details in person. Please.


  • Standard-Bearer’s will be 2-Sep at St John’s Byzantine Cathedral in Parma. Meinhard is the Event Steward. For detailed information, check the website
    • Jolicia is organizing breakfast for Standard Bearer’s. If you can bring a donation of baked goods for breakfast please bring it next week’s meeting or Friday at setup so Jolicia can have it ready for the event.
    • If you’d like to help with Standard Bearer’s in advance, Cook’s Guild is meeting 27-Aug to make ravioli for the lunch.


  • The next Forum should be out in three weeks, so could all Pennsic correspondents deliver their articles to Milesent within the next two weeks so she can lay it out.


  • Pagan Pride event has asked, unfortunately at the last minute, if we can do a demo this upcoming weekend. If you can help out, please contact Artair by Thursday evening.
  • 16-17 Sept is the Mapleside Demo. Please plan on coming–it’s a very big event for NE Ohio. Artair will post an event with further information on Facebook tomorrow.


Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.

  • Armorer’s Guild (and the less official Booze and Schmooze) meets at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm. Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
  • Unofficial Fencing Practice is on hiatus until after Labor Day. For info on when and where, please contact Cynwrig for details The Fencing Practice will be on hiatus between Pennsic and Memorial Day.
  • Cook’s Guild will meet Sunday 27-Aug at 1:30 pm to make ‘ravioli’ for the Standard Bearer’s lunch at Angharad’s home. Please contact her at for directions or information.
  • Needlworkers will be meeting next Tuesday at 7  pm at Madelaine’s home in Kamm’s Corner. Please bring any class handouts from Pennsic that can be copied, or your new fabric purchases. It’s time to start those Pennsic 47 projects. Please contact her at for directions and details.
  • Archery Guild meets Tuesdays at the home of Gwyneth and Muldonney, starting around 6 pm, and running into twilight. They have a great deal of loaner equipment, including Combat Archery arrows, so if you’re at all interested in either target or combat archery please come. With sufficient bribes, live Combat Archery targets may be provided. Contact Muldonney for details on effective bribes.
  • Leatherwork’s Guild will meet at Oliver’s at 7 pm on Tuesday for an Open Bench. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
  • Woodworkers Guild meets all Thursdays until Pennsic 7-10 pm at Meinhard’s home. Please contact Meinhard at for directions or with questions. You can also check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
  • Scribes Guild will not meet on Labor Day. The meeting will be 11-Sep at Brackenbury Cottage at 7 pm. Please contact Melisent at for directions and further information.

Other Announcements

  • I Verdi Confusi will be performing at One World day this Sunday, 27-Aug at 4:45 pm on the British Stage at the Cultural Gardens. For more information about One World Day, see

Baron and Baroness

  • Crispin and Gianna presented their thanks to all the combatants; armored fighters, rapier fights, archers; and Battlefield Hospitality volunteers for their Pennsic performances, with especial thanks for Gwyneth for suggesting the archery muster ride to the archery field on the Pennsic bus.
  • They also congratulated the various award recipients from Pennsic:
    • Jaquelinne,  Orsina – Award of Arms
    • Company of Furies Keep, Medved Ohoytnik  – Award of the Purple Fretty
    • Sorcha – Court Baroness
    • Aldermoureis, Valharic, Zuriel – Order of the Pelican