Meeting Minutes: 11-Oct-52

  • Thorin: There were many new fighters tonight, and not enough armor to outfit them. If you have a spare kit, or if you’re not planning on fighting at meeting, please bring your armor to loan to the new fighters. If you have armor you’re not using at all, please consider donating it to the Iron Key for newcomers to borrow.
  • Runa announced that Pietro is stepping up as the Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences.
    • If you are participating in the teaching challenge this year, please assemble the record of when and what you’ve taught and bring them to her or Pietro so they can be tallied.
    • Oliver will be teaching leather mask making again next week in preparation for the Dessert Revel.

Guilds and Other A&S Activities

Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.

  • Armorer’s Guild (but not the less official Booze and Schmooze) meets at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm. Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
  • Archery Guild meets Sundays, but not at the usual spot this weekend, from 11 til 2. Please check the Baronial Facebook page for information about the location at a State Park.
  • Unofficial Fencing Practice meets on Sundays. Please contact Cynwrig for details at
  • James Barkley will be hosting an open Bookbinding workshop on Mondays. Please contact him on Facebook as Chuck Minch for details.
  • Leatherwork’s Guild meet at Oliver’s at 7 pm on Tuesdays for an Open Bench. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
  • Woodworkers Guild meets next Thursdays,  7-10 pm at Meinhard’s home. Please contact Meinhard at for directions or with questions. You can also check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.

Other Announcements

  • Eastwatch holds meeting on 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, 7-9 pm, on the campus of Lake Erie College. There is armored and rapier combat as well as other activities. The address is 391 W Washington St. Painesville, OH 44077.

Baron and Baroness

  • If you are interested in participating in Gianna’s Gourd Decorating event for the Dessert Revel, please contact her for either round natural, or flat wooden, gourds to decorate. Children and adults are welcome.
  • Crown Tourney is next weekend. It may be five hours away, but it’s an event well worth watching.