Meeting Minute: 1-Nov-52

  • Rapier and Armored Marshals: Please complete the google doc info for the marshal’s database.
  • Armored Marshal: There will be a fighter’s meeting in December: still to be scheduled.
  • Rapier Marshal: is looking for prices for the Rapier Slam Down at the Festivals of the Maidens. If you have largesse that could be offered, please let him know.
  • Chatelaine: Robin is collecting feast gear to present to newcomers for the Regular Event feast. If you have any you could provide, please bring them to her.
  • Arts and Sciences: Runa is looking for anyone interested in teaching a class (, or with requests for classes they’d like to have (, submitted online or in person.
    • Next week will be a class on Wire Temple Rings taught by Elizabeth.
    • If you are participating in the teaching challenge this year, please assemble the record of when and what you’ve taught and bring them to her or Pietro so they can be tallied.
  • Iron Key: Please report any outstanding Iron Key items you may have to Alda, who is organizing a inventory.

Guilds and Other A&S Activities

Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.

  • Armorer’s Guild only meets at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm. Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
  • Archery Guild meets this Sunday from 11 til 2 at the home of Gwyneth and Muldonney. Please check the Baronial Facebook page, or the Cleftlist, for details.
  • Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this Sunday. Please check the Baronial Facebook group for confirmation, or contact Cynwrig for details at
  • Scribes Guild will meet Monday at Brackenburye Cottage. Please contact Milesent at for information or directions.
  • James Barkley will be hosting an open Bookbinding workshop on Mondays. Please contact him on Facebook as Chuck Minch for details.
  • Leatherwork’s Guild meet at Oliver’s at 7 pm on Tuesdays for an Open Bench. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
  • Needleworkers will be meeting 14-Nov, at 7 pm, at Robin’s home in Lyndhurst. The 28-November meeting will be at Madelaine’s home in Cleveland. December will be a Needleworkers-free month, to allow for holiday preparation. Please contact Madelaine at for information or details.
  • Woodworkers Guild meets Thursday,  7-10 pm at Meinhard’s home. Please contact Meinhard at for directions or with questions. You can also check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.

Other Announcements

  • Milesent is seeking her ‘demo’ illumination piece, loaned to someone over the last year. She’s only just realized it is misisng, and does not remember who it was loaned to.
  • 11-Nov is the Rivenvale Fall Bransle event: no site fee, but you must pre-reg for feast.
  • Eastwatch meets next on 13-Nov 7-9 pm, on the campus of Lake Erie College. There is armored and rapier combat as well as other activities. The address is 391 W Washington St. Painesville, OH 44077

Baron and Baroness

  • At Red Dragon this last weekend, Jeffrey authorized, while Fulke took second in the novice tourney. The Archery unit did great deeds: while MIlesent won the William Tell Tourney. Kateline was placed on vigil for the Order of the Pelican and plans to be elevated at January event.