It was an honor and a privilege to host the twenty-sixth annual Standard Bearers on September 2, 2017 in the western borough of Parma in our beloved Cleftlands. We give great thanks to all gentles in attendance and to those who participated in our challenge A Heroic Age in the Cleftlands. We were regaled with many tales and effigies from the ages past, the nearly past, and given a glimpse at heroic deeds yet to come.
Special thanks to the following staff members in no particular order (that strangely resembles the event staff list) – Meinhard Hammerschmidt (Steward), Ginevra Boscoli (Gate/Signet), Oliver Stillman (A&S Coordinator), Thorin Eikskjald (Armored MIC), Ladislas Vulcu and Jao Veludo Alfonso d’Albuquerque (Rapier MIC), Edward Brackenburye and Milesent Vibbert (Archery MIC), Jolicia atte Northclyfe (Breakfast), Claricia de la Mere (Lunch), Angharad ferch Tangwystl (Feast), collectively the Cleftlands Cooks Guild (Lunch and Feast), and all the others who assisted throughout the day whether marshaling, serving, or lending a hand where needed. Many hands made light (and quick!) work!
Baronial Champions

Velvet, Cadfan, Baroness Gianna, Baron Crispin, Aurelia, and Urrich. Photograph by : Tarmach ben Yehuda al-Khazari.
Without further ado, we present to you our baronial champions:
- Standard Bearer – Urrich Nuremberger
- Archery Champion – Cadfan of Cleftlands
- Arts & Sciences Champion – Aurelia Rosetti
- Rapier Champion – Jao Veludo Alfonso d’Albuquerque
It as also our honor to be able to preside over regency court for their majesties King William and Queen Isolde where three individuals were recognized at the Kingdom level. At our baronial court a new award was created, the Order of the Azure Chalice, which recognizes individuals who have provided exemplary and long-standing service and dedication to the Barony, and who have done such work as to add to the enduring legacy of the Cleftlands. In the combined courts, the following awards were presented:
- Order of the Cavendish Knot – Taranis of Vito’s Minions
- Award of the Baton – Yang Bing-Xin
- Award of the Baton – Yang Bing-Zhi
- Order of Saint Clairiel – Meinhard Hammerschmidt
- Order of the Azure Chalice – Angharad ferch Tangwystl
- Order of the Azure Chalice – Laurelen Darksbane
- Order of the Azure Chalice – Pietro Nicolo da San Tebaldo
Once again, thank you to all who participated to make this an amazing first Standard Bearers! We hope that a good time was had by all.
In service,
Crispin and Gianna
Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands