Meeting Minutes: 28-Sep-57


A baronial court was held to give awards originally presented by Their Majesties Arch and Runa during Coronation.

  • Baron Calum MacDhaibhidh: Order of the Evergreen
  • THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe: Order of the Royal Vanguard


Oct. 26: Halloween-themed Revel. Wear your best garb and accessorize with a mask, if you have one. Bring treats to share.

  • Bardic challenge: We want to hear your best spooky stories and songs. They can be period or period-ish, five minutes maximum for each performance. Keep subject matter PG. See our chatelaine Jaquelinne for details.
  • Cooks Challenge: Disguised Dishes — Bring a ‘disguised’ dish to the holiday: any dish parading as something it’s not. Bread bones, pies of black birds, hedgehogs of marzipan, sugar skulls- let your mind and your kitchen explore. See more details on the baronial Facebook page.


(Emails for all officers are listed on the officers page of the baronial website.)

Minster of Arts and Sciences: A class on Roman jewelry will be held Oct. 5.

Noblesse Largesse Exchange: This is an adaptation of a Secret Santa exchange. The sign-up deadline has passed. Here is a link to more information:

 Senechal: Our seneschal Lady Claricia is stepping down at the end of the year. Applications for the position open on Oct. 1, and the new person will take over Jan. 1. See Claricia if you want to know more about the job.


Armorers Guild: This guild meets most Thursdays in Berea. The host requires that participants be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to attend. See Baron Calum for details.


Oct. 8: Red Dragon, London, Ohio

Oct. 15: Crown Tournament, Wooster

Oct. 22: Brawl at Crooked Dragon, Oberlin

Oct. 23: Meet and Beat Budget Tourney, Warren

The officers are looking for possible event sites for future events. Talk to our seneschal Lady Claricia if you have ideas.

See a full list of upcoming Midrealm events here:


No more masks: Masks will no longer be required for any SCA activities in the Middle Kingdom.

Exchequer: Members are asked to donate $2 per meeting, or $50 per year, to cover the cost of the meeting hall rental.

Quartermaster: The quartermaster must be notified at least two weeks in advance if a member wishes to borrow baronial gear.

Baronial meetings: Set-up starts at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m. We must vacate the building before 10 p.m. due to the new automatic door lock system.

For updates, corrections or additions, contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at or on Facebook.