Midrealm Gathering Suspension (Aug 31)

Greetings unto the populace (and friends) of the Cleftlands. We would like to highlight the words of the Kingdom Seneschal, Master Cerridwen.

Greetings Dragon Children,

As many are aware, our Kingdom and many others continue to be plagued by the pandemic, which is sadly continuing to grow rather than dissipate. Sadly this is resulting in Our continued separation. While we continue to miss the great Populace we will continue to do our best and protect the Middle Kingdom,
Thus, it is with a sad and heavy heart that We, the Crown and Great Officers of State, do that which is needed to continue protecting Our beloved treasures.

Know here and now We here proclaim the following:

  • All weekend events and marshal practices are hereby cancelled through the end of AUGUST.
  • As previously announced Crown Tournament for the Reign of Felix and Madeleina is currently postponed until at least October. This will be an invite only Tournament with limited attendance all though all will be invited to join a live broadcast of the events. More information to come closer to the event.
  • Virtual Courts will occur at the discretion of the Crown and announced on the Kingdom Website and Facebook. They will be streamed live on Facebook and then the recording will be made available on YouTube.
  • Groups may participate in electronic meetings (Zoom, Google Meets, FB live, etc) for business and social purposes as long as there is no charge for members to participate.
  • SMALL gatherings, limited to 10 persons, are permitted – NO MARTIAL ACTIVITY. Groups must follow the CDC and state/local limits in size and requirements for social distancing, the wearing of masks or other facial coverings, and the requirements set forth by the Kingdom. These can be found on the Middle Kingdom Website.

This determination was not made lightly. However, under recent guidance from the CDC and government safety precautions, along with the very real impact to Our Populace We feel this is the best course of action for the safety of the Populace. If you’d like to see the referenced guidance:


As previously announced pre-registration of events through PayPal will be disabled until further notice. It is recommended that local branches stop offering a pre-registration option to avoid potential issues with refunds due to cancelled events or requests due to illness. To help ease the potential impact of these decisions, the Middle Kingdom will be making the following financial policy changes:

Local groups forced to cancel the use of a venue by government, venue, the Board of Directors of SCA, Inc. or by the Middle Kingdom: If the venue does not offer a full refund of the deposit and the forfeiture of the deposit would result in the group having a balance of less than $500 in their account, the Kingdom will assist to ensure a minimum of $500 remains in the group’s accounts for ordinary operational costs.

You may find the most current, official, word at the following sites:

Remember, PROTECT YOUR FRIENDS, WASH THY HANDS! WEAR A MASK! The plague was so 1347!

Yours in Service,

Master Cerridwen verch Ioreword
Middle Kingdom Seneschal

As aforementioned, it has been announced that all Midrealm events are cancelled until at least the end of August. Until then, we look forward to seeing your accomplishments, activity, and faces online.

Draco Invictus!

Crispin and Gianna
Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands