A&S Activities: Week of 25-Oct

No eRUM classes this week, as it’s between terms.

Sun 25, 2 pm:     Cleftlands Dance: Class (and videoing?), Acacia Reservation at Cedar Rd and George Zeigler Dr. in Lyndhurst, Look for the banner

Tue 27, 7:30 pm: Needleworkers Guild meeting Led by Miriana https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09

Wed 28, 6 pm:     Cleftlands Dance: Class and Taping: Acacia Reservation at Cedar Rd and George Zeigler Dr in Lyndhurst. Look for the banner.

Thu 29, 8 pm:      Armourer’s Guild meeting Led by Calum https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09