Meeting Minutes: 15-Mar-51


  • Colette announced there are two classes next week: the second part of Oliver’s shoe-making class, and a Pennsic Roundtable.
  • The Iron Key Refurbishment scheduled for 3/16 is cancelled on account of a birthday.
  • Milesent has released the first quarterly Forum since 2009. She’ll be posting it online for anyone who wasn’t able to pick up a copy. If you have items or articles of interest to share in the next issue, please send them to her.


Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.

  • Woodworkers Guild does not meet this Thursday, due to an illness. Please contact Meinhard at for directions or with questions. You can also check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
  • Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred and Clariel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm . Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
  • Unofficial Fencing Practice usually meets on Sundays. Please look for more definite information about this Sunday on the Cleftlist or Facebook page, or contact Cynwrig for details
  • Leatherwork’s Guild meets at Oliver’s at 7 pm on Tuesday. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
  • The Cooks Guild will meet briefly next Wednesday to discuss which of the three offered German cookbooks to explore.

Baron & Baroness


  • Dessert Revel on March 29 will include a Scribal Display. Please bring your favorite scrolls to share with everyone. If you have easels to display scrolls, please bring those as well.
  • The April 26th revel will host our last Armored Tourney. Please come to compete.


  • Robin of Cleftlands will take over as Baronial Chatelaine as Jolicia moves to a new Kingdom role.
  • Cadfan of Cleftlands will be stepping up as Baronial Seneschal as Gianna moves to a new Baronial role.