Meeting Minutes: 5-Oct-51
- Regular Event registration begins at the 10/26 Dessert Revel.
- Fighters and fencers can register in advance for a $5 box lunch delivered to the list fields to ensure you get lunch when the fighting allows. This lunch must be paid for in advance.
- The theme of the event is “Love vs Death.” Many areas are looking for volunteers and help including:
- Jolicia – Hall Decorations
- Sorcha – Classes
- Claricia – help before and during feast, servers
- Brendan – Dishwashers
- For the 26-Oct Dessert Revel Cook’s Challenge, the theme is Food in Costumes – Subtleties and Surprises.” The idea is food trying to look like something it’s not: meat that looks like apples, chicken that looks like knights, sugar that looks like a crown.
- Robert: Accounts for Standard Bearers are finally reconciled. We lost $647 on the event primarily due to increased insurance costs and low attendance.
- Woodworkers Guild does not meets this Thursday.
- Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’ and Clariel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm . Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
- Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details
- Needleworkers will be meeting next Tuesday at a location to be announced later. Directions will be posted to Cleftlist and the Cleftlands Facebook page closer to the meeting, or contact Madelaine at The next guild meeting will be 10/25 at Dulcia’s home.
- East side archery practice meets next Tuesday starting at 5:30 at the home of Gwyneth and Muldonney, 411 Douglas Blvd, Richmond Heights, OH 44143. Donations will be used to replace archery butts, foam, and targets. Loaner equipment is available.
- Cook’s Guild will get together on 16-Oct (Sunday) for a quick East side Ethnic Groceries tour followed by ‘Cooking over Fire’ at Angharad’s. Please contact Angharad for questions or details, or check the Cleftlands Cooks Facebook page.
- The new Leatherworker’s Guild will be meeting at Oliver’s on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 pm. He’ll also be hosting an ‘open bench’ night most other Tuesdays, beginning on 18-Oct. Please contact him at or on Facebook under the name Oliver Stillman for directions and information.
- Constanza:
- At Harvest Days, Vincent Furnier was elevated to the Order of Defense.
- At Coronation, Bastian authorized Bastard Sword, Zuriel joined the King’s Merry Men by out-shooting him, Zuriel also won the recurve Bow shoot, and Lote won the Cultural Identity A&S challenge.
- At Red Dragon, Meinhard won the populace vote at the Craftsperson’s Faire; the team of Ivan, Thorgrimm, and Eskill won the Dragonslayer Tourney; Sirius won the Red Company level of the Ladder of Reknown tourney, while Ivan won the Golden Mace level, Avengar’s team was in teh finals of the Chevauche tourney sponsored by James ap Llewellyn; Lynette la Rus was awarded the Golden Affodil, a Middle Marches baronial award; Lorimer won the dance challenge; Vlad won a fencing Tourney, and Constanza authorized in bastard Sword.
- The upcoming Rose Tourney consists of teams of fighters, fencers, and archers, each sponsored by a member of the Order of the Rose. There are still teams, including the Queen’s, looking for members, so check online if you’d like to participate.
- Calum:
- November 30 is the next Cleftlands Tourney for Armored Combatants. Anyone interested may come and participate: please bring your best kit and the one who inspires who.
- The next step in the Baronial polling is underway on the timeline set by the Kingdom. Calum and Constanza will be available all during next meeting, 12-Oct, for anyone with questions about the role. Written applications will be accepted via email to from October 19 until November 16/ The polls will be mailed to all paid members living in the Cleftlands by December 18. The collection of polls will end on January 7 or when otherwise indicated by Kingdom. The Crown will then review the polls received and make their decision with a tentative transition at Northern Oaken War Maneuvers on June 11, 2017.
- If your mailing address is not in Cuyahoga County, you may request a poll from the seneschal or download one from the Midrealm Seneschal website as one will not be mailed to you.