Meeting Minutes: 12-May-51


  • We’re still looking for an event bid for Standard Bearer’s.


  • NOWM is looking for volunteers including an organizer for Artisan’s Row.


Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.

  • Woodworkers Guild meets this Thursday, 7-10 pm at Meinhard’s home. Please contact Meinhard at for directions or with questions. You can also check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
  • Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’ and Clariel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm . Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
  • Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details
  • Please check the Cleftlands Equestrian Guild’s Facebook page to see if they are holding practice this upcoming Sunday.
  • East side archery practice meets on Tuesdays starting at 5:30 at the home of Gwyneth and Muldonney, 411 Douglas Blvd, Richmond Heights, OH 44143. Donations will be used to replace archery butts, foam, and targets. Loaner equipment is available.

Other SCA Announcements

  • Sir Ephraim is still hosting a challenge looking for a new tune for the Cleftlands Battle Song: please present all entries at the end of May.

Baron and Baroness

At Coronation:

  • Lily and Lynette received an Augmentation of Arms, a gout of gules from their parents, and their Award of Arms in evening court from Cameron and Amelie.
  • Milesent received her Augmentation of Arms, a golden dragonfly.
  • Tariq was made a member of the Royal Vanguard.
  • Nikolai and Serena were made counts, and Serena was inducted into the Order of the Rose.
  • Muldonney won the Windy Shoot.
  • Zuriel won for best animal husbandry.
  • Preston, daughter of Ivan, authorized in riding and games.

We’re Looking for volunteers to transport the Baronial tent to and from Pennsic, as well as someone to organize the Battlefield Hospitality.