On Wednesday, April 27, the Cleftlands lists were opened up to all armored combatants to test their mettle in the annual tournament. Fifteen inspired combatants stepped forth and took to the lists. When the flurry of rattan slowed and the last blows were counted, one armored combatant emerged victorious and earned the right to carry the Cleftlands sword. Congratulations to Captain Thorin Eikskjald for winning the tournament and to Captain Tariq al Sanna Af Fjall for winning the esteem of the ladies gallery.
The list included:
- Captain Thorin Eikskald fighting for Thora
- Lord Matheus Mac Eoin fighting for Lady Leta da Padova
- Lord Avanger of Brendoken fighting for Lady Adeline la Savonniere
- Forester Muldonny McVriw fighting for Lady Gwynedd Cole
- Lord Rollo Eldström
- Lord Edrik Eiksson
- Captain Tariq al Sanna Af Fjall
- Lord Marellus Kilanus
- Lord Ajax Dracofuror
- Lord Njal Orkneyjarson
- Sör Crispin de la Rochefoucauld fighting for Lady Gudrun
- Sargent Sirius of Cleftlands fighting for Karla
- Lord Aethelred Frithuweardesunne
- Baron John the Ox fighting for Mistress Cerridwen verch Ioreword and Brunhilde

Armored combatants, marshals, excellencies, and royalty from left to right: Baroness Constanza, Captain Thorin, Lord Matheus, ?, Baron Calum, Lord Avenger, Forester Muldonny, Rollo, Edrik, Captain Tariq, Queen Serena, King Nikolai, Lord Marellus, Lord Ajax, Lord Njall, Sör Crispin, Lord Sirius, Æthelred, Baron John. Photograph by Lord Tarmach ben Yehuda al-Khazari.