Baron & Baroness of Cleftlands

Author's posts

Congratulations Pietro and Aurelia!

Greetings unto the populace of Cleftlands from Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands. Their Royal Majesties Ullr and AnneLyse have carefully considered the words of the populace and have come to Their decision regarding the next Baronage of our lands, giving us leave to make the announcement. It is our great pleasure …

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Cleftlands Baronial Transition

Greetings unto the populace and friends of the Barony of Cleftlands. To paraphrase the words of a much beloved author of ours, the wheel of time turns, and ages come and pass, leaving memories. Although it seems like yesterday that we stepped into this role representing the Cleftlands, it was some four and a half …

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Society Gathering Suspension (May 2021)

Greetings unto the populace (and friends) of the Cleftlands. It is with a heavy heart, we bring you words from the Society regarding an extension to the suspensions of in-person activities covering until May 31, 2021 for North American kingdoms. At the end of July, the Board of Directors issued a proclamation suspending most in-person …

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Congratulations Pennsic Baronial Court Award Recipients!

Congratulations to the five good gentles recognized for their service to the Barony in our Pennsic Baronial Virtual Court: Zofia der Kinder – Award of Saint Alfred Karl von Leipzigar – Award of Saint Alfred Niccoló Bartolazzi – Award of the Argent Cresset Andor Ëzust Fogak – Award of the Azure Trident Brangwayn Snowden – …

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Society Gathering Suspension (Jan 2021)

Greetings unto the populace (and friends) of the Cleftlands. It is with a heavy heart, we bring you words from the Society regarding a suspensions of in-person activities, effective immediately and covering until January 31, 2021 for North American kingdoms. From news release is as follows: During the July 28, 2020, meeting of the Board …

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Midrealm Gathering Suspension (Aug 31)

Greetings unto the populace (and friends) of the Cleftlands. We would like to highlight the words of the Kingdom Seneschal, Master Cerridwen. Greetings Dragon Children, As many are aware, our Kingdom and many others continue to be plagued by the pandemic, which is sadly continuing to grow rather than dissipate. Sadly this is resulting in …

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Midrealm Royal Succession

Greetings unto the populace (and friends) of the Barony of the Cleftlands. As many different sources have been reporting, We would again like to speak as the voice of the Crown and the Society to inform you of the most recent updates pertaining to Crown Tournament and the line of succession within the Midrealm during …

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Congratulations NOWM Baronial Court Recipients!

Congratulations to the four good gentles recognized for their service to the Barony in our NOWM Baronial Virtual Court: Rojhon the Wanderer – Award of the Argent Cresset Wrin the Red – Award of the Argent Cresset Njall Orkneyjarson – Award of the Argent Cresset Eikbrandr Solgyafi – Order of the Azure Chalice Crispin and …

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Gifting SCA Membership

The Society for Creative Anachronism had generously extended memberships during the COVID crisis the past few months, but they are no longer able to continue this practice moving forward. If you know someone who cannot afford to renew their membership and, if you have the ability to do so, please consider gift of membership. If …

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Pennsic War 49 Postponed

Greetings unto the populace (and friends) of the Barony of the Cleftlands. As many different sources have been reporting, We would again like to speak as the voice of the Crown and the Society to inform you, with a heavy heart, of the postponement of the 49th Pennsic Wars from 2020 to 2021. Please see …

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Midrealm Gathering Suspension (Jun 30)

Greetings unto the populace (and friends) of the Cleftlands. We would like to highlight the words of the Heirs of the Middle Kingdom Prince Felix and Princess Madeleina as well as the Kingdom Seneschal, Master Cerridwen. Their Royal Highnesses: SCA Middle Kingdom Seneschal: Greetings to the Great Populace of the Midrealm, It is …

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Congratulations Regular Event Award Recipients!

Congratulations to the good gentles recognized at our Regular Event! Dafydd Myddleton‎ – Award of Arms Ginger Winterfield‎ – Award of Arms Gunnora de la Grève‎ – Award of Arms Rojhon the Wanderer‎ – Award of Arms Valdemar of Cleftlands‎ – Award of Arms Yang Bing-Xin‎ – Award of Arms Calum MacDhaibhidh‎ – Award of …

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Congratulations 2019 Baronial Champions!

It was both an honor and privilege to host the twenty-eight annual Standard Bearers Baronial Championship on October 5, 2019 in the northernmost reaches of Euclid in our beloved Cleftlands. We offer thanks to all who attended and to those who participated in the many challenges and activities throughout the day. Special thanks to those …

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Standard Bearers Baronial Championship

It is both a pleasure and privilege to invite one and all who read these words to join the Barony of the Cleftlands at our fall Standard Bearers Baronial Championships to be held on October 5, 2019 at St John of the Cross School, 140 Richmond Road, Cleveland OH 44143 from 10:00 AM until 9:00 …

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Congratulations 2018 Baronial Champions!

Know that it was both an honor and privilege to host the twenty-seventh annual Standard Bearers Baronial Championship on September 22, 2018 in the northernmost reaches of Euclid in our beloved Cleftlands. We offer thanks to all who attended and to those who participated in the many challenges and activities throughout the day. Special thanks …

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Standard Bearers Baronial Championship

It is both a pleasure and privilege to invite one and all who read these words to join the Barony of the Cleftlands at our fall Standard Bearers Baronial Championships to be held on September 22, 2018 at Saints Robert and William Catholic School in Euclid, OH from 10:00 AM until 9:00 PM. (Although please …

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Baronial and Kingdom Recommendations

Unto the populace of the Cleftlands do we, Crispin and Gianna, Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands, send greetings. With Northern Oaken War Maneuvers on the horizon in June, and the coming Pennsic Wars, we wished to take a moment to encourage reflection on the good works done by members of the society and to …

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Congratulations 2017 Baronial Champions!

It was an honor and a privilege to host the twenty-sixth annual Standard Bearers on September 2, 2017 in the western borough of Parma in our beloved Cleftlands. We give great thanks to all gentles in attendance and to those who participated in our challenge A Heroic Age in the Cleftlands. We were regaled with many …

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Standard Bearers Championship Guidelines

On this day do we, Baron Crispin and Baroness Gianna, fifth to hold the Barony of Cleftlands in fief from the Crown of the Middle Kingdom, send greetings. Know that it is our pleasure to invite all who read these words our Standard Bearers Tournament to be held on Saturday, September 2 at St. John’s …

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