Tue, 26-Oct, 7:30 pm Virtual Needleworker’s Guild: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09
Wed, 27-Oct, 7 pm: Artisan’s Show-and-Tell: Join Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89827491345?pwd=UXJONkI4eEJIWlR3TTZrQ3pKZFpWZz09
Thu, 28-Oct, 6 pm: Armourer’s Guild Again: In person at Ealdred and Clariel’s garage. Contact calum@wowway.com with questions.
Further details are available on the Cleftlands calendar on our website, and our group’s FB page.