Barony is still seeking a new Youth Marshal. Please contacts Gianna or the Barons, or apply online.
The Barony are still seeking a January event bid, which needs in by 9/26. If the Barony is just worn out, we will skip the event in 2016.
The Mapleside demo is running 9/19 – 9/20: all are invited to display. This fair brings in 5-6 thousand people so it’s a good way to present our selves to new people.
Zsof, as Royalty Liaison, is looking for people to serve as guards and retainers, or to offer food and drink or gifts for the gift basket. Contact her on Facebook to let her know if you can contribute.
Madelaine has Troll open at all meetings until the event. She is also looking for volunteers to help sit Troll at the event. Contact her at
For Feast, many hands make light work. Please volunteer to Angharad. Currently, we’re looking for people to volunteer bread baking, or to assist in a morning of pies and pierogis on 9/12.Please contact her at
No woodworkers this week.
Unofficial fencing practice still in hiatus this week. Restarts after Labor Day.
Armorers is occurring tomorrow at Ealdred and Clariels as usual. Contact them at 440-243-1419.
Eastside archery practice is occurring at the home of Gwen off Mayfield Rd on Tuesday evenings. Please check the Facebook page for the address.
Ginevera and Dimitri will be doing heraldic consults next Wed, and the first Wed of each month, at meeting. They will also be consulting at Coronation.
Ann’s first meeting was tonight. She’s attended Pennsic for six years but only recently realized there’s a local group.
Baron & Baroness
Many thank yous for Standard Bearers, including:
Aesa and Kristzian for putting it togther
Portia for serving as gatekeeper for the first time, and Astrid and Laserrina for supporting her.
Snowden as Rapier Marshal
Kristzian as Armored Marshal, as well as Runa and Clariel as list mistresses
Farthen, Ulfr and (knight stand-in) Thorin for supporting the tourney format
Ealdred and Clariel for feast
Dru for lunch
Zsof for the breakfast bar
Dmitri for heralding
Elizabeth for the A&S organizaiton
Gianna for the website
Gianna, Meinhard, Julianne, and Llewellyn for setup and tear down
Julianne and Llewellyn and Beth for providing the site.
Please support the Brendoken DragonQuest event on October 3. It is a Newcomer’s event as well as their Baronial Championships. They could use teachers for various newcomer’s classes, and marshals of all types to release their combatants for the Championships.
Remember the Baron’s Travel Challenge: 1500+ miles between NOWM and January event (please submit a bid), or the person with the most mileage.
September Revel (9/30) will be the next Rapier Tourney.
Baronial Court
Ginevra Boscoli was presented with her membership in the Order of the Evergreen. Huzzah!!